B&B Dambo 沙發
Dambo 沙發是 Piero Lissoni 為 B&B Italia 設計的第三套沙發系統。 它是一個由不規則五邊形和矩形模塊組成的模塊化系統,將更複雜的幾何形狀與線性元素結合在一起,適用於多種組合和環境。 五角形的底座元素具有大尺寸和極大的靈活性,在與其他元素組合時可以用作半島或作為獨立的整體。 它們是放置在房間中間的舒適體積,用於製作角落解決方案或創建定制組合。 高高的包圍式靠背是對植物世界有機形式的讚歌。 由於可以根據需要降低和調整扶手的前部運動,因此扶手類似於花瓣。 有五個基本元素,以舒適柔軟和舒適的人體工程學為特徵。
B&B Dambo sofa
The Dambo sofa is the third sofa system that Piero Lissoni has designed for B&B Italia. It’s a modular system composed of irregular pentagons and rectangular modules that combines more complex geometric shapes with linear elements and lends itself to multiple compositions and environments. The pentagonal base elements, with their large dimensions and great flexibility, can be used as peninsulas when combined with other elements or as free-standing monoliths. They are cozy volumes to be placed in the middle of a room, to craft corner solutions or to create customized compositions. The high, enveloping backrests are a hymn to the organic forms of the botanical world. The armrests resemble petals thanks to a front movement that allows them to be lowered and adjusted as desired. There are five basic elements, characterized by a cozy softness and plush ergonomics.
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