Fredericia Insula 茶几
Insula 是一系列由純鋁製成的獨特咖啡桌,由丹麥設計師 Mette Bartholin-Jensen 和 Morten Ernst 設計。 桌面的不對稱但平衡的形狀與纖細桌面和棱角框架中的流線型定義相得益彰。 幾乎像小島一樣,桌子有漂浮的感覺。 它們引人注目的輪廓使它們無論是獨立的還是聚集在一起形成一個群島都同樣美麗。
Fredericia Insula coffee table
Insula is a series of distinctive coffee tables made in pure aluminium, designed by Danish designers Mette Bartholin-Jensen and Morten Ernst. The asymmetrical, yet balanced shape of the table top is balanced by the streamlined definition seen in the slim table top and angular frame. Almost like small islands, the tables have a floating feeling. Their striking silhouette makes them equally beautiful as stand-alones or clustered together to form an archipelago.
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LINE: @masha.carino