Boca do lobo Hera 燈
作為希臘諸神的女王、自然之母以及榮譽和母性的化身,赫拉代表著一個充滿生機和鼓舞人心的美麗的金色新時代的綻放。 這個神話實體由充滿複雜細節的強烈情感路徑定義,是這款燈飾背後的神奇靈感。
燈具的模製類似於圓形金色樹枝的特徵和外觀,三層不同的吊燈懸掛在圓形結構上。 這款枝形吊燈採用鑄造黃銅手工製成,具有有機的形狀和復雜的現代細節,在和諧的整體中營造出可調節的佈置。 適用於豪宅和高檔房間。
Boca do lobo Hera lamp
As the Queen of the Greek Gods, Mother of Nature and the embodiment of Honour and Maternity, Hera represents the blossom of a golden new era full of life and inspiring beauty. Defined by strong and emotional paths filled with intricate details, this mythological entity is the magical inspiration behind this lighting piece.
The lighting fixture is moulded to resemble the features and look of a round golden branch, with three different tiers with pendant lights hanging from a round structure. Handmade from cast brass, this chandelier has an organic shape and intricate contemporary details to create an adjustable arrangement in a harmonious ensemble. Suitable for luxury homes and upscale rooms.
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