Emmemobili Fresko 餐桌
一張桌子,一個雕塑。 幹練而理性的線條相遇並交叉,切割空間和物質,產生充滿強度的決定性表面 頂部可以是六角形或八角形。 這些幾何形狀可以通過用多面形膠合板製作桌子並用木頭或漆面覆蓋的可能性得到很好的增強。 憑藉其出色的多功能性,Fresko 桌子總是令人驚嘆,每次您從不同的角度看它時都會提供不同的版本。
Emmemobili Fresko table
A table, a sculpture. Dry and rational lines that meet and cross, cutting space and matter to generate decisive surfaces full of intensity The top can be hexagonal or octagonal in shape. And these geometries are well enhanced by the possibility of making the table in faceted shaped plywood and covered in wood or lacquered. With its great versatility, The Fresko table always amazes, offering a different version of itself every time you look at it from a different point of view.
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LINE: @masha.carino