變化是我們這個時代最大的常數。高度靈活的 Rolf Benz AURA 系列是對此的一種悠閒回應。其輕巧的優雅完美地適應了各種需求——無論大小空間,以及作為舒適的情侶或與親愛的客人一起度過的夜晚,都具有高品質的組合。
Rolf Benz AURA 寬大的座墊彷彿漂浮在精緻的底板上,有五種表面飾面可供選擇:胡桃木貼面、橡木貼面(天然或漆黑)、石板貼面或皮革覆蓋。優雅的黑色、本影灰色或拋光鑄鋁腳突出了組合物的輕盈感。
Change is the greatest constant of our time. A laidback response to this is the highly flexible Rolf Benz AURA range. Its lightweight elegance adapts perfectly to all kinds of demands – with high-quality combinations for large and small spaces, and for evenings spent as a cosy couple or in the company of dear guests.
Rolf Benz AURA pays homage to elegance. The ample seat cushions appear to float on a delicate underboard available in five surface finishes: veneered walnut, veneered oak (natural or painted black), veneered slate or covered with leather. The lightness of the composition is highlighted by an elegant cast aluminium foot in black, umbra grey or polished.
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