具有較低靠背的新型Lounger躺椅,專為擁有 Hayon 明顯標誌的合同市場而設計。
2006 年,我們決定押注 Jaime Hayon 的才華和成功的 Showtime 系列,他仍然是一個新興的年輕人,當時的藝術形象並不常見。 多年來,他已經完善了這一點。 2009 年,在該系列大獲成功之後,BD 推出了一款新產品:躺椅扶手椅,隨後是低躺椅。
A newer version of the Lounger with a lower backrest, specially thought for the contract market holding Hayon’s unmistakable hallmark.
When in 2006, we decided to bet on Jaime Hayon’s talent and successful Showtime Collection, he was still an emerging youngster with an artistic profile not so common at the time. He has refined this over the years. In 2009, after much success with the collection, BD introduced a new piece: Lounger armchair, followed by the Low Lounger.
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