由 Carlo Colombo 設計的 Ramsey 沙發無視重力,座椅懸空,是該系列的原創新成員。 它的外殼在感官上逐漸變細,流入扶手,扶手像張開的翅膀一樣向上伸展。
線條細膩,僅被座椅和靠背之間引人入勝的透明度分開。 槍金屬灰色插入物構成輪廓,向下延伸到座椅下方,強調明顯缺乏重力。
覆蓋在暖灰色 Fiddleback Sycamore、煙熏楓香或 Burr Walnut 根中。 替代版本完全覆蓋皮革或織物。
Ramsey sofa designed by Carlo Colombo defies gravity, with its seat suspended off the floor, is an original new addition to the collection. Its shell, sensually tapered, flows into the armrests that reach upwards like outstretched wings.
The lines are delicate, split only by an intriguing transparency between the seat and backrest. A gun metal grey insert frames the profile, reaching down below the seat, emphasising the apparent lack of gravity.
Covered in Warm Grey Fiddleback Sycamore, Smoked Liquidambar or Burr Walnut root. The alternative version is entirely covered in leather or fabric.
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