Chelsea 椅子總結了當代設計的精髓和對傳統的記憶。 這是一種面向未來的理想趨勢,它帶來了知識。 Chelsea 是一系列風格各異的椅子,特別適合餐廳,在那裡,美食的樂趣伴隨著文明的、國際化的談話的樂趣。 精湛的工藝價值體現在對木材、織物和皮革等最優質原材料的加工過程中。 細節是用心和熱情製作的,確保了這些極其多功能的座椅的吸引力。
Chelsea chairs summarises the essence of contemporary design and the memory of tradition. It is an ideal tendency towards the future which brings with it the knowledge. Chelsea is a series of chairs in varied styles, particularly well-suited to dining rooms where the pleasure of good food is accompanied by the pleasure of cultured, cosmopolitan conversation. Master craftsmanship values are expressed by the processing of the highest quality raw materials, from wood, fabric and leather. The details are made with care and passion that ensure the appeal of these extremely versatile seats.
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