Konami沙發參考日語單詞“ko”和“nami”,意思是“小波浪”,精心打造出具有連續感的流線型沙發。 內側扶手採用柔和的曲線設計,獨立的接縫和固定的靠墊專為緊密貼合而設計,面料無縫流動。 所有這些都由我們位於斯文堡的 Fredericia 車間的室內裝潢大師完成。
有多種寬度可供選擇,精心挑選的織物裝飾由鋼底座和細長腿支撐的木製框架,採用拉絲不銹鋼或黑色粉末塗層鋼。 沒有鬆散的靠墊保持外觀乾淨整潔,而冷固化泡沫可確保舒適的座椅、交談或連續數小時斜倚。
Referencing the Japanese words ’ko’ and ’nami’, meaning ’little wave”, careful attention has been given to create a streamlined sofa with a feeling of continuity. Featuring gentle curves for the inner armrests, discrete seams and fixed cushions tailored for a tight fit boasting a seamless flow of fabric. All achieved by the master upholsters at our Fredericia workshop in Svendborg.
Available in a variety of widths, a curated selection of fabrics adorn the wooden frame supported by a steel base and slim legs in either brushed stainless steel or black powder-coated steel. The absence of loose cushions keeps the look clean and uncluttered, while the cold-cured foam ensures comfortable seating, conversing or reclining for hours on end.
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