Boca do lobo Metamorphosis
在Metamorphosis系列取得巨大成功後,Boca do Lobo創造了Metamorphosis Dining Table,以強化這一獨特的概念。 這款豪華餐桌已成為生命進化史的象徵,通過使用展示在桌子頂部的雕刻化石來代表生命週期的最後階段。 變形餐桌體現了手工製作技術,如木雕、金屬切割和錘擊以及拋光,由該國一些最優秀的工匠執行。 對於那些對限量版作品和概念設計有特殊品味的人來說,這是一款獨特的產品。
Boca do lobo Metamorphosis
After the huge success of Metamorphosis Series, Boca do Lobo creates Metamorphosis Dining Table in order to strengthen this unique concept. This luxury dining table has come to symbolize the evolutionary history of life, representing the last stage of the cycle through the usage of sculpted fossils on display at the top of the table. Metamorphosis Dining Table embodies handmade techniques such as wood carving, metal cutting and hammering, and polishing, executed by some of the best craftsman in the country. A unique product for those who have a peculiar taste for limited edition pieces and conceptual designs.
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LINE: @masha.carino