FENDI Casa 推出新的 Ripple Drop 咖啡桌,採用古怪的色彩組合。 可拆卸頂部採用超透明玻璃設計,並採用帶有陰影幾何形狀的獨特裝飾,以拋光黃銅的特殊 FENDI 標誌和獨特的“水滴”效果脫穎而出。 由大膽而標誌性的調色板定義,如背漆石榴紅、群青藍、茶綠、淺橙色、森林綠、太妃糖或藏紅花色,它增添了一種俏皮的感覺,用別緻的聲明點亮了舞台,慶祝了 一種親切的意大利工藝。
FENDI Casa presents the new Ripple Drop coffee tables featuring a combination of eccentric colours. The removable top, designed in extra clear glass and featuring an exclusive decoration with shaded geometric shapes, stands out for the special FENDI logo with polished brass and the uniqueness of the “Drop” effect. Defined by a bold and iconic palette, as back lacquered garnet red, ultramarine blue, Tea Green, Light Orange, Forest Green, Toffee or saffron colour it adds on a playful touch that lights up the stage with a chic statement that celebrated the one of a kind Italian Craftsmanship.
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