塞爾吉奧·比塞戈 (Sergio Bicego) 的新New York紐約沙發系列設計仍然保留著現代靈魂和永恆精神。 絎縫靠墊暗示復古優雅和懷舊氛圍,但整個設計充滿未來感。 同時,六邊形的框架擱置在纖細的鋼桿腳上,增強了都市魅力。 紐約套房柔軟而溫馨,還有較小的版本,例如超大躺椅和 155 厘米沙發,可舒適地容納兩個人,特別適合合同項目。
The new New York sofa collection designs by Sergio Bicego still retain a contemporary soul and timeless spirit. The quilted cushions hint at a retro elegance and a nostalgic atmosphere yet the whole design is futuristic. At the same time the metropolitan allure is heightened by the hexagonal shape of the frame resting on slim steel rod feet. New York suite is soft and welcoming also in the smaller versions such as the maxi lounge chair and the 155 cm sofa which seats two people comfortably and is particularly interesting for contract projects.
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