Fritz Hansen 的桌子系列包括由 Piet Hein、Bruno Mathsson 和 Arne Jacobsen 設計的 Superellipse™、Supercircular™、圓形和矩形桌子。 Superellipse™ 桌子的靈感來自設計師 Piet Hein 在斯德哥爾摩 Sergels Torg 解決交通問題的解決方案:超級橢圓環形交叉路口。
Superellipse B614 桌子可輕鬆容納多達 10 把椅子,用於開放、包容的聚會,沒有明顯的“桌頭”。 這是會議和協作工作區的理想解決方案。
Fritz Hansen’s Table Series includes the Superellipse™, the Supercircular™, circular and rectangular tables designed by Piet Hein, Bruno Mathsson and Arne Jacobsen. The Superellipse™ table was inspired by the designer Piet Hein’s solution to a traffic problem at Sergels Torg in Stockholm: a super elliptical roundabout.
The Superellipse B614 table easily accommodates up to ten chairs for open, inclusive gatherings with no obvious ‘head of the table’. This is the ideal solution for meetings and collaborative work areas.
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