N°41 Waves Relief 入門套裝清晰宜人,有機對稱,讓人想起沙灘上波浪的輕柔嬉戲。 就像海浪在沙灘上留下的痕跡一樣,服務的表面裝飾著浮雕圖案,結合了統一、精緻的外觀和 MEISSEN® 瓷器聞名的璀璨光芒。 杯子、咖啡壺、茶壺和奶精上的環形把手使盤子和盤子上充滿活力的波浪形動感和諧完美。
N°41 Waves Relief starter set is pleasantly clear and organically symmetrical, it recalls the gentle play of waves at a beach. Like the traces left by the surf in the sand, the service’s surface is adorned with a relief pattern that combines a uniform, delicate appearance and the brilliant gleam for which MEISSEN®’s porcelain is famed. The vibrant dynamism of waves on the plates and platters is harmoniously consummated in the ringshaped handles on the cups, coffeepots, teapots and creamers.
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