Granger 是一套 3 張不同尺寸的矮桌,採用不銹鋼結構,具有凹凸形狀。 偏心桌腿採用閃亮鋼製成,一側凹入,以凹曲線終止於頂部。 頂部採用拋光大理石製成,下部帶有斜面,提供“隱形灰色大理石皮革飾面”版本,飾有金色、青銅色或錳手漆飾面。 金屬部件可以使用金屬漆面選擇中的任何漆面完成。
頂部有大理石可供選擇:Invisible Grey、Black & Gold、Kosmus、Dalmata 和象牙瑪瑙、天鵝絨瑪瑙。 選項:僅可在 Invisible Grey、Black&Gold、Ivory Onyx、Velvet Onyx 上進行打蠟處理的金色液體裝飾。
Granger is a set of 3 low tables in different sizes, structure in stainless steel with concave and convex shapes. Off-centre table leg in shiny steel with one concave side, terminating into the top with a concave curve. Top in polished marble with bevelled lower part, available in “invisible grey marble-leather finish” version decorated with gold, bronze or manganese hand-lacquer finish. Metal parts can be finished with any lacquer of the metal lacquer finish selection. Top available in marble: Invisible Grey, Black & Gold, Kosmus, Dalmata and Ivory Onyx, Velvet Onyx. Option: gold liquid decoration with wax finishing can be done only on Invisible Grey, Black&Gold, Ivory Onyx, Velvet Onyx.
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