pp266 Chinese Bench 一直是原型,直到 1991 年才終於有可能將其投入生產,這要歸功於 PP Møbler 使用預壓縮木材彎曲技術進行的開創性實驗。儘管如此,即使是最熟練的工匠,Chinese Bench 仍然是一個巨大的挑戰,不僅因為木工,還因為長紙繩座椅需要異常程度的精確度才能顯得線性。
The pp266 Chinese Bench remained a prototype until 1991 when it was finally possible to put it into production, thanks to the pioneering experiments at PP Møbler with the pre-compression wood bending technique.
Still the Chinese Bench poses a great challenge to even the most skilled craftsmen, not merely because of the woodwork, but also because the long paper cord seat demands an unusual degree of accuracy in order to appear linear.
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