Lochness 桌子是該系列的主角,該系列還包括帶抽屜的辦公桌,可放置在工作台下方、左側或右側。 當用作書桌時,Lochness Tables 可以搭配配備兩個抽屜和輪子的獨立單元。 Lochness Table 系列的桌面有黑色卡納萊托胡桃木、天然橡木、黑色或雞翅木飾面、天然 Santos 或啞光漆飾面可供選擇; 金屬底座採用拋光鍍鉻飾面,或塗有白色、無菸煤或泥色的啞光漆。
The Lochness Table is the protagonist of a range that also includes desks with drawers that can be placed under the worktop, on the left or right side. When used as a desk, Lochness Tables can be accompanied by free-standing units equipped with two drawers and wheels. The top of the Lochness Table series is available in black Canaletto walnut, oak with a natural, black or wengé finish, natural Santos or with a matte lacquered finish; the metal base comes with a polished chrome finish or matte varnished in white, anthracite or mud.
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