Westhausen 沙發於 1926 年為私人住宅設計,是重要的“新法蘭克福”住宅計劃的一部分,代表了 Ferdinand Kramer 富有遠見和經久不衰的設計美學。 其直線和寬大的比例為軟墊沙發傳達了一種沉穩而誘人的特點,因此可以在不同的環境中使用。 分為三個座位和連續的靠背裝飾,卓越的 NO SAG 彈簧確保充足的座椅舒適度。 Westhausen 沙發提供實心橡木或胡桃木腳和織物內飾。 它是一件式交付的。
Designed in 1926 for private residences as part of the significant "New Frankfurt" housing programme, the Westhausen sofa represents Ferdinand Kramer’s visionary and enduring design aesthetic. Its straight lines and generous proportions convey a composed and inviting character for the upholstered sofa, thus allowing for application in diverse environments. Divided into three seats and with continuous back upholstery, superior NO SAG springs ensure ample seating comfort. The sofa Westhausen is available with solid oak or walnut feet and upholstery in fabric. It is delivered in one piece.
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