Campiello 沙發的座墊採用防擠壓材料製成的核心嵌件,包裹著厚厚的柔軟鵝絨層。 座椅靠背墊也填充鵝絨,以放大包裹柔軟的感覺,並提供帶或不帶捲墊的版本,以實現不同的美學和人體工程學效果。 帶滾動墊的版本提供更好的背部和頸部支撐。 沙發位於優雅的鑄鋁底座上,塗有灰色或青銅色,或緞面、鍍鉻、拋光、黑色鍍鉻或香檳色飾面。
Campiello sofa's seat cushions are made with a core insert in crushproof material wrapped in a generous, soft layer of goose down. The seat back cushions are also filled with goose down to magnify the feeling of enveloping softness and are available in versions with or without roll cushion to achieve different aesthetic and ergonomic effects. The version with roll cushion provides greater back and neck support. The sofa sits on an elegant cast aluminum base painted gray or bronze, or with satin, chromed, burnished, black chrome or champagne finish.
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