Donovan Roll 沙發採用皮革或織物軟墊,木質框架和彈性彈簧帶。 靠背和扶手採用聚醚製成,並採用羽毛填充。 底座採用膠合板,面料(Gand、Faber 或 Vermeer)軟墊,帶有 cannetté 絎縫裝飾。 帶有浮雕 Visionnaire 標誌的圓柱形金屬腳。 扶手由帶有軟墊和裝飾有皮帶和金屬扣的圓柱形元件組成。 座墊採用不同密度的聚氨酯泡沫填充、Memory Foam® 和縫在外部內飾上的羽毛; 用羽毛填充的寬鬆靠墊。 模塊化版本包括中央、角落和橫向元素。 金屬部件可以塗上鉻、金色、香檳色、錫耶納、青銅灰色或黑鎳飾面。
The Donovan Roll sofa upholstered in leather or fabric, frame in wood with elestic spring belts. Back and armrests in polyether and padded in feather. Base in plywood upholstered in fabric (Gand, Faber or Vermeer) with cannetté quilted decoration. Cylidrical metal feet with Visionnaire logo in relief. Armrests consists of cylindrical elements upholstered and decorated with leather belts and metal buckles. Seat cushions padded in polyurethane foam with different densities, Memory Foam® and feather sewed to the external upholstery; loose cushions padded in feather. Modular version includes central, corner and lateral elements. Metal parts can be lacquered with chrome, gold, champagne, Siena, gunmetal grey or black nickel finish.
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