Wegner 於 1975 年為 PP Møbler 設計了 pp70 桌子,因為他認為他的許多椅子都缺乏合適的高質量桌子。 這張桌子背後的想法是創造一個簡單而真實的圓形餐桌,以尊重 PP Møbler 所實踐的不妥協的木工哲學。 pp70 桌子有力地證明了 Wegner 為 PP Møbler 逐步建立產品線的熱情過程,其中只展示了他最好的作品。 在這種情況下,pp70 構成了基本的圓桌會議。
Wegner designed pp70 table for PP Møbler in 1975, because he thought that many of his chairs lacked a suitable table of high quality. The idea behind this table was to create a simple and genuine, round dining table that would honour the uncompromising philosophy of woodwork as practiced by PP Møbler. The pp70 table is a strong testament to Wegner’s enthusiastic process of gradually building up a product line for PP Møbler featuring only the very best of his works. In this context, the pp70 constitutes the basic round table.
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