藍白版眼鏡蛇椅是對布加迪 110 週年的獨家致敬,靠背上繡有“110 Ans Bugatti”標誌。 Cobra Chair“限量版”以 110 件獨家作品生產,其概念以現代風格重新詮釋了 Carlo Bugatti 於 1902 年設計和創造的原始版本。 創新和前沿,眼鏡蛇椅圍繞一個項目開發,該項目將光滑的彎曲靠背、底座和座椅結合成一個元素,僅被設計用於容納燕尾服尾巴的間隙中斷。
The Cobra Chair in the blue and white version is an exclusive tribute to the 110th anniversary of Bugatti, and features the “110 Ans Bugatti” logo embroidered on the backrest. The Cobra Chair “limited edition” is produced in 110 exclusive pieces, and its concept reinterprets the original version designed and created in 1902 by Carlo Bugatti in a contemporary key. Innovative and cutting edge, the Cobra Chair is developed around a project that combines the sleek curved backrest, base and seat into a single element, interrupted only by a gap designed to contain the tails of a tailcoat.
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