MDF Italia. Metodo table
純粹而嚴謹的設計,清晰而精確,但極具原創性的線條:全新的 Metodo 咖啡桌立即吸引眼球。
它是由 Leonardo Talarico 為 MDF Italia 設計的,Leonardo Talarico 是一位才華橫溢的設計師,以其嚴格的過度減少和對物品和家具設計的本質性的追求而聞名。 根據嚴格的風格模式構思,Metodo 通過放置在不同層次上的圓形在空間中發展其形狀,從而形成頂部和整個結構。
MDF Italia. Metodo table
A pure and rigorous design, featuring clear and precise, yet highly original lines: the brand new Metodo coffee table immediately catches the eye.
It was designed for MDF Italia by Leonardo Talarico, talented designer renowned for his strict excess reduction and his search for essentiality in objects and furnishings design. Conceived according to a rigorous stylistic pattern, Metodo develops its shape in the space by means of circles that, placed on different levels, meet to create both the top and the entire structure.
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