哞哞。 集裝箱酒吧桌菩提
由 Marcel Wanders 工作室設計的 Container Bar Table Bodhi 是您享用速溶咖啡、一對一交談或下午慢飲的首選場所。 木質包裝為設計增添了柔和感,絲毫不失其穩定性。 用沙子或鵝卵石填充桌腳以增加強度並創建堅固的底座。 容器桌菩提是您建造房屋的堅實而柔和的基礎。 你喜歡不同的顏色或材料嗎? 使用在線配置器根據自己的意願配置 Container Bar Table Bodhi。
Moooi. Container Bar Table Bodhi
The Container Bar Table Bodhi, designed by Marcel Wanders studio, is your go-to place for a quick coffee, one-on-one conversations, or slow afternoon drinks. The wooden wrap adds a softness to the design, losing none of its stability. Fill the table foot with sand or pebbles to add strength and create a solid base. Container Table Bodhi is the solid and subdued foundation you build your home around. Do you prefer a different colour or material? Configure the Container Bar Table Bodhi to your own wishes with the online configurator.
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電子信箱 masha@carinocasa.it