moooi. Amami 沙發
一張優雅舒適的沙發,穿著溫暖的天鵝絨,柔軟地漂浮在長長的感性流蘇上,裝飾和增強它,在房間周圍產生清新的輕盈微風。 沙發的寬敞尺寸使其成為放鬆和社交聚會時的舒適伴侶,因為它最多可以取悅和呵護您和您的客人,既舒適又賞心悅目。 增加了一個具有三個維度的優質坐墊凳和配套的靠墊來裝飾它,讓它變得令人無法抗拒!
moooi. Amami sofa
An elegant and comfortable sofa dressed in heart-warming velvet, softly floating on long sensuous fringes that decorate and enhance it, producing a fresh breeze of lightness all around the room. The sofa’s generous size makes is a cozy companion during moments of relaxation and social gatherings, for it pleases and pampers you and your guests at the most, being both extremely cozy and a joy to the eye. The addition of a sublime pouf available in three dimensions and matching cushions to accessorize it make it simply irresistible!
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