Saba Italia. Sunset 扶手椅
新的 Sunset bergère 由兩個不同的部分組成:外殼和頭枕,出於特定原因:通過創建視覺和諧的線條來減輕產品的輪廓。 戶外拉伸和嚴謹的表面與柔軟得多的內部襯墊外套形成鮮明對比,創造出原創的圖形設計。 座椅區域的舒適性通過斜倚機制得到加強,僅在帶頭枕的變體中可用,而底座配備了扶手椅和 bèrgere 版本的旋轉機制。 Sunset 以一種理想的方式結合了精緻的設計、最大的舒適度以及高品質的材料和技術。 可在鋁製星形底座上提供各種內飾。 完全可拆卸的蓋子。
Saba Italia. Sunset armchair
The new Sunset bergère is made up of two distinct parts: the shell and the headrest for a specific reason: lighten the silhouette of the product by creating a visually harmonious line. The outdoor stretched and rigorous surface contrasts with an internal padded coat that is much softer, creating an original graphic design. The comfort of the seating area is accentuated by the reclining mechanism, available only in the variation with the headrest, whereas the base is equipped with a rotation mechanism both for the armchair and the bèrgere version. Sunset combines in an ideal way sophisticated design, maximum comfort and high-quality materials and techniques. Available with various upholstery on the aluminum star base. Completely removable covers.
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