B&B Italia. Ray 沙發
兼具美學和功能性,Ray 是一個模塊化系統,從線性元素、貴妃椅和終端元素開始,可用於形成各種配置——甚至是角落和半島模型。 它的優點是線性和簡約,並豐富了剪裁元素,例如相同顏色的毯子針腳或對比色,增強了可拆卸的封面。 一個主要特點是壓鑄的 U 形腳,連同座墊的高度,有助於將 Ray 塑造成一個特別優雅、形式平衡的作品。
B&B Italia. Ray sofa
TAesthetical and functional, Ray is a modular system that starts with linear elements, chaise longues and terminal elements, which can be used to form all sorts of configurations – even corner and peninsula models. Its strong points are linearity and simplicity, enriched with tailoring elements such as the blanket stitch in the same colour or a contrasting hue, that enhances the removable covers. A main feature is the die-cast U-shaped foot that, along with the seat cushion height, contributes to creating an image of Ray as a particularly elegant piece with balanced forms
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