Minotti Linha 餐桌
作為巴西建築師設計中普遍存在的極簡主義的表達,Linha 餐桌是他在創作比例上不斷追求優雅的宣言,也是他對細節幾乎痴迷的關注的宣言。
Linha,或葡萄牙語中的“線條”,是他對設計大跨度餐桌挑戰的回應,餐桌的結構只有 16 毫米厚,頂部最長可達 4 米。 儘管使用的材料具有強烈的衝擊力,但在視覺上,它看起來非常輕巧和通風,其中大理石大膽地佔據了中心位置。
Minotti Linha dining table
An expression of the minimalism that pervades the Brazilian architect’s designs, the Linha dining table is a manifesto of his constant pursuit of elegance in the proportions of his creations, and of his almost obsessive attention to detail.
Linha, or “line” in Portuguese, is his response to the challenge of designing a dining table with a large span, a structure only 16 mm thick and a top that can reach up to 4 metres in length. Visually, it appears extremely lightweight and airy, despite the strong impact of the materials used, in which marble boldly takes centre stage.
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