B&B Italia Colosseo 邊桌
Colosseo 與非常成功的配件產品類別完美契合,根據場合和需要改變功能的家具元素,對於 Colosseo 來說,這意味著從咖啡桌轉變為腳凳。 在設計這款新產品時,Fukasawa 達到了他所尋找的形狀,他考慮了一個倒置的截錐形式的實體,通過定義表面的拱形凹槽減輕了重量,與著名的結構產生了共鳴。 羅馬競技場以它的名字命名。 Colosseo 由塗有多種光澤顏色的硬質聚氨酯製成,有兩種尺寸可供選擇。
B&B Italia Colosseo Side Table
Colosseo fits smoothly into the highly successful product category of accessories, furnishing elements that change function according to occasion and need, and for Colosseo this means transforming from coffee table to ottoman. When designing this new product, Fukasawa arrived at the shape he was searching for by considering a solid in the form of an upside-down truncated cone, lightened by arch-shaped grooves that define the surface, creating an assonance with the structure of the famous Roman arena it is named after. Made of hard polyurethane painted in several glossy colours, Colosseo is available in two sizes.
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