Cassina Capitol 椅子
實木設計椅子是印度昌迪加爾市國會大廈中最著名的作品之一,它是對 Pierre Jeanneret 的致敬,其獨特的橡木或柚木結構與維也納藤條座椅不同。 該結構由典型的橫向支撐組成,這些支撐匯聚形成一個倒“V”形,這是 Hommage à Pierre Jeanneret 系列中的許多作品已經共享的技術解決方案。 這把維也納藤椅喚起了這個地方的特色精神,也表現在使用當地木材,如柚木。 座椅靠背序列與齊平的腿相連,形成一個簡單而強大的整體。
Cassina Capitol Chair
One of the most well-known pieces from the Capitol Complex in the Indian city of Chandigarh, the solid wood design chair, a tribute to Pierre Jeanneret, is set apart by its unique construction in oak or teak with seat in Viennese cane. The structure is made up of the characteristic lateral supports that converge to form an inverted “V”, a technical solution already shared by many of the pieces in the Hommage à Pierre Jeanneret collection. This Viennese cane chair conjures up the characteristic spirit of the place, also expressed in the use of local wood, like teak. The seat-backrest sequence joins the flush legs to form a simple yet powerful whole.
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