MDF Italia
MDF Italia Randomissimo
Randomissimo 代表了 Random 概念的對合。 它伴隨著當前系列的成熟標誌,朝著它的全減,變成了一條簡單的圖形線,牆上的撇號。 用於個人物品的家具:整體尺寸減小,多變、有趣、互補和模塊化。 Randomissimo 很好地體現了 MDF Italia 的身份原則:減法、形式和技術的簡單性以及強烈的情感印記。 這款產品通過其俏皮的模塊化和色彩,立即展示了開發小型聚合的能力,以及具有超現實主義精神的無盡構圖。
Randomissimo represents the involution of the Random concept. It accompanies the ripe sign of the present collection towards its total subtraction, turning it into a simple graphic line, an apostrophe on the wall. A piece of furniture for personal items: featuring a reduced overall size, it is changeable, playful, complementary and modular. Randomissimo embodies so well MDF Italia’s identity principles: subtraction, formal and technical simplicity and strong emotional imprint. A product that immediately unveils, through its playful modularity and colours, the capability of developing small aggregations, as well as endless compositions with a surrealistic spirit.
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