Emmemobili Mirar 櫃子
Mirar 餐具櫃,源自西班牙文guardare,其形狀和設計一目了然。
一種試圖描繪一張臉的抽像畫,使用美麗的天然木材精華的顏色作為調色板。 每側的平行六面體倒角,模擬臉的圓度,本質變化所產生的色調差異標誌著眼睛的圓度,中央隔間,左開,暗示鼻子。 觀察世界的不同方式,設計木材的不同方式。
Emmemobili Mirar Storage
The Mirar sideboard, from the Spanish word guardare, takes its shape and design from a glance.
A kind of abstract painting that tries to portray a face, using the colours of the beautiful natural wood essences as a palette. A parallelepiped chamfered on each side, simulates the roundness of a face, the tonal differences given by the change of essences mark the circularity of the eyes, the central compartment, left open, suggests a nose. A different way of observing the world, a different way of designing wood.
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