Ceccotti Collezioni
Ceccotti Collezioni Teresa 椅子
由 Roberto Lazzeroni 設計的 Teresa 憑藉其蜿蜒而柔和的線條,是尋求優雅和舒適的客戶的完美選擇。 由於其符合人體工程學的形狀和精緻的輪廓,它將功能與美學相結合。 這款椅子是餐廳或辦公室甚至酒店房間的理想之選,由實心美國胡桃木或白蠟木製成,這兩種材料可確保穩定性和強度。 可帶或不帶扶手,它的特點是獨特的設計,增強了大型軟墊膠合板座椅和靠背。 它可以用織物、皮革或天然皮革裝飾。
Ceccotti Collezioni Teresa Chair
With its sinuous and soft lines, Teresa, designed by Roberto Lazzeroni, is the perfect choice for customers who are looking for elegance and comfort. It combines functionality with aesthetic, thanks to its ergonomic shapes and refined silhouette. Ideal for the dining room or office or even a hotel room, this chair is made from solid American walnut or ash wood, two materials that ensure stability and strength. Available with or without armrests, it is characterized by a unique design that enhances the large padded plywood seat and backrest. It can be upholstered in fabric, leather or natural leather.
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