Alcarol Dolomyth Vase
Dolomyth 花瓶是從多洛米蒂山脈的一個廢棄採石場回收的當地石頭塊中提取的。 在垂直剖面上可以清楚地看到不同的地質沉積層,顏色從古色古香的粉紅色到灰色不等,是典型的白雲巖。 底座上的超透明樹脂,類似於這些石頭在各個地質時代被淹沒的水,保留了岩石粗糙和皺紋的自然表面,創造出將石頭懸浮在虛空中的效果,並賦予它不同尋常的輕盈感。 在頂部,有一個可拆卸的小玻璃容器,可以在其中放置小植物和花朵和水。
Alcarol Dolomyth Vase
Dolomyth Vase is derived from blocks of local stone recovered in an abandoned quarry of Dolomite Mountains. In the vertical section planes are clearly visible the different layers of geological sedimentation, with shades ranging from antique pink to grey, typical of dolomite rocks. On the base the extraclear resin, resembling the water in which these stones lay submerged through various geological eras, preserves the rough and wrinkled natural surface of the rock, creating the effect of suspending the stone in the void and giving it an unusual lightness. At the top, there is a small removable glass container in which to place little plants and flowers with water.
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