Boca do Lobo
Boca do Lobo Lapiaz Oval 咖啡桌
它的有機特徵是通過拋光黃銅板的手動裝配實現的,而鋒利的外部則採用拋光不銹鋼製成,描繪出完美的鏡子。 錘制黃銅細節和鏡面側面傳達了動感和優雅,力量與精緻之間的美麗雙重性,為室內設計帶來了新的現代神韻。
在三個模塊中構思的功能性藝術品,可實現意想不到的組合。 從寒冷和新鮮的裂縫中誕生,以炫耀世界豐富的金色內飾。
Boca do Lobo Lapiaz Oval Coffee Table
Its organic features are achieved through the manual fitting of the polished brass sheet, and a sharp exterior finished in polished stainless steel that portrays a perfect mirror. The hammered brass details and mirrored sides conveys both dynamics and elegance, a beautiful duality between power and refinement to bring a new contemporary verve into interior design.
A functional artwork conceived in three modules for unexpected combinations. Born from cold and freshly cracked to showing off the world rich, golden interior.
Center table with a tempered smoked glass top supported by a stainless steel structure.
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