Ligne Roset
Ligne Roset Andy 沙發
1962 年,他重新詮釋了 1954 年以來弗洛倫斯·諾爾 (Florence Knoll) 的長椅,軟化了其所有輪廓,減少了鈕扣的數量以消除絎縫的嚴重方格,並使其底座邊緣的金屬結構消失,只保留了四個腿:簡而言之, 他設計了一個新的家用長椅,既性感又精緻。 作為一項珍貴的改進,他將扶手內的鍍鉻鋼腿安裝在前後,從前面看和從後面看一樣優雅:將腿插入扶手需要更加細緻 縫合和室內裝潢完美完成。
Ligne Roset Andy Sofa
In 1962, reinterpreting Florence Knoll's settee from 1954, he softened all its contours, reducing the number of buttons to eliminate the severe squares of quilting and made the metal structure underlining the edges of its base disappear, retaining only the four legs : in short, he designed a new domestic settee, both sensual and refined. And as a precious refinement, he mounted the chromed steel legs inside the armrests both to the front and to the rear, a touch which was just as elegant when viewed from the front as from the rear: inserting the leg into the armrest necessitated more meticulous stitching and upholstery for a perfect finish.
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