Alcarol Chimenti 桌子
Chimenti Frosted 桌由三塊木板製成,這些木板取自威尼斯 Briccole 桿子,保留了數十年鹽水腐蝕並由潟湖軟體動物雕刻而成的天然活邊。 在威尼斯航海語言中,Chimenti 是形成船板的木板之間的間隙,主填縫工用浸有焦油和 colofonia(一種透明的植物樹脂)的橡木填充間隙。 與這件古老的作品不同,這張桌子的製造使用了一種創新的樹脂化工藝,能夠用透明樹脂填充空白空間,捕捉水下氣泡,使木材恢復原始外觀和條件。 alcarol 通過詩意的選擇實現了新的功能,將材料置於水面之下,
Alcarol Chimenti Table
The Chimenti Frosted Table is made of three planks obtained from the Venetian Briccole poles preserving their natural live edges corroded by decades of salt water and sculpted by the lagoon molluscs. In Venetian seafaring language, the Chimenti are the gaps between the boards forming a ship’s planking, where the master caulkers stuff the gaps with oakum soaked in tar and colofonia, a transparent vegetable resin. Not unlike this ancient work, the manufacture of this table use an innovative resination process capable of filling only the empty spaces with a transparent resin capturing the underwater air bubbles that bring the wood back to the original look and conditions. alcarol achieves a new functionality with the poetic choice to bring the material beneath the water’s surface.
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