Cattelan Billy Wood 茶几
Billy 現代咖啡桌系列可讓您創建最適合您的現代客廳和個人品味的組合。 配置可通過選擇帶有鏡面玻璃桌面的 Billy 版本、帶有陶瓷桌面的 Billy Keramik 和珍貴的木製咖啡桌 Billy Wood 來定制。 每個變體都有不同的高度和尺寸,它們的組合創造了一個奇怪的層遊戲。 為了打造令人驚嘆的起居室,Marmi 陶瓷的珍貴細微差別、精緻的鏡面水晶和精緻的木材被框在手工拉絲飾面中。
Cattelan Billy Wood Coffee Table
The Billy family of modern coffee tables allows you to create the composition that best suits your contemporary living room and your personal taste. The configuration is customizable by choosing between the Billy version, with a mirrored glass table top, Billy Keramik with a ceramic top and Billy Wood, a precious wooden coffee table. Each variant is available in different heights and sizes, the combination of which creates a curious game of layers. To make an astonishing living room, the precious nuances of Marmi ceramic, the refined mirrored crystal and the exquisite wood are framed in a hand made Brushed finish.
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