Flexform Alison 沙發
Alison 扶手椅的戶外版本現在將其引人注目的設計擴展到兩人座和三人座。 Alison Outdoor 沙發的弧形結構採用擠壓鋁材,白色、卡其綠色、酒紅色環氧粉末塗層; 或拋光或緞面鋁。 靠背採用聚氨酯橡膠製成,顏色範圍從大地色到波爾多色和橄欖綠色,而座椅和靠背靠墊可以使用戶外紡織品系列中的任何織物進行裝飾。 由於重量輕,Alison Outdoor 沙發可以輕鬆移動。
Flexform Alison Sofa
The outdoor version of the Alison armchair now extends its compelling design also to a two-seater and a three-seater. The curved structure of the Alison Outdoor sofa is in extruded aluminum with epoxy powder-coated finish in white, khaki green, wine red; or burnished or satin-finish aluminum. The backrest is in polyurethane rubber, in a color palette that ranges from earth tones to bordeaux and olive green, while the seat and backrest cushions can be upholstered in any of the fabrics from the outdoor textile collection. Thanks to their light weight, the Alison Outdoor sofas can easily be moved.
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