ligne roset Hemicycle armchair_5

Ligne Roset

Ligne Roset Hemicycle 扶手椅

Mobilier National 肩負雙重使命:為官方建築提供家具,並在創新點體現法國設計。 Pierre Paulin 從 1971 年開始與 Elysée 和 Pumpkin 一起參與這個項目。 Philippe Nigro 與 Ligne Roset 和 Hémicycle 一起在 2020 年接過接力棒。 如果“Hémicycle”一詞可能會讓人聯想到 Assemblée Nationale,那麼它也因其完全不同的幾何內涵而被選中。 這種直座的使用也必須非常適合在機構、公共場所或更傳統的住宅中使用。 它代表了一個古典風格的歡迎場所,能夠在最高層的權力和現代公寓的私密性之間穿梭。

Ligne Roset Hemicycle Armchair

The Mobilier National has a twin mission : to furnish official buildings and to embody French design at the point of innovation. Pierre Paulin participated in this project from 1971 with Elysée and Pumpkin. Philippe Nigro takes up the baton in 2020 with Ligne Roset and Hémicycle. If the term « Hémicycle » might be evocative of the Assemblée Nationale, it was also chosen for its completely different geometrical connotation. The use of this straight seat must also be well suited to use in institutions, public spaces or more traditional habitations. It represents a classically-styled welcoming place capable of travelling between the highest echelons of power and the intimacy of a contemporary apartment.


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