Horm Ki 椅子
在日本文化中,“ki”代表每個元素中的能量。 這是馬里奧·貝里尼(Mario Bellini)以精緻和現代的品味解決了具有挑戰性的正式研究的靈感。 結果是一個彎曲的、輕便的座椅。 靠背飾有浮雕裝飾,讓人聯想到縫合織物內飾的菱形圖案,是椅子的正式特徵,結合了簡約、優雅和人體工程學。
Horm Ki Chair
In the Japanese culture, the “ki” represents the energy found in every element. It is the inspiration for the challenging formal research that Mario Bellini solved with refined and modern taste. The result is a sinuous, lightweight seat. The back, embellished with an embossed decoration reminiscent of the diamond pattern of stitched fabric upholstery, is the formal feature for a chair that combines simplicity, elegance and ergonomics.
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