Emmemobili Selene 桌子
在古希臘宗教中,塞勒涅代表滿月,這是一個完美的圓,它的相位決定了生命。 Selene 桌子系列正是從圓形和半圓形的結合中誕生的,這是一項正式且富有表現力的研究,旨在擺脫這個物體的平凡。 由於各種幾何形狀的交集,創造了飾面和材料的組合,使物體具有完全個人的振動,使其更接近雕塑而不是普通桌子。
Emmemobili Selene Table
In the ancient Greek religion Selene represented the full moon, the perfect circle that, with its phases, conditions life. It is from the union of circles and semicircles that the Selene family of tables was born, a formal and expressive research to escape from the ordinariness of this object. Thanks to the intersection of the various geometric shapes, combinations of finishes and materials are created that give the object an entirely personal vibration, bringing it closer to a sculpture than to an ordinary table.
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