Moroso Wood Bikini 椅子
陰影對於設計項目來說是一個不尋常的選擇,因為它模糊了輪廓並欺騙了我們對尺寸、重量和比例的感知。 木質比基尼似乎倖免於一些在其表面留下痕蹟的事件:木材變得有色、飽和、變白,這是一種創造性行為還是對外部因素的反應? 設計師不拘一格的嚴謹性隱藏了答案,他通過玩弄表面顏色的裝飾性,為這個模塊化系統賦予了某種時尚的廢話。
框架為塗漆白蠟木(代碼 02A); 座椅和靠背採用不同密度的阻燃聚氨酯泡沫軟墊(代碼 02C)或僅軟墊座椅(代碼 02G); 在塑料滑翔機上。 木質比基尼罩不可拆卸。
Moroso Wood Bikini Chair
Shading is an unusual choice for design projects because it blurs outlines and tricks our perceptions of size, weight and proportions. Wood Bikini seems to have survived some event which has left its trace on its surface: the wood becomes coloured, saturates, whitens, is this a creative act or a reaction to external agents? The answer is hidden by the eclectic rigour of the designer who, by playing with the decorative nature of surface colours, gives a certain fashionable nonsense to this modular system.
Frame is varnished ash wood (code 02A); seat and back upholstered in flame-retardant polyurethane foam in varied densities (code 02C) or upholstered seat only (code 02G); on plastic glides. Wood Bikini covers are not removable.
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