Fritz Hansen
Fritz Hansen Grand Prix™
Grand Prix™ 椅子是一款帶有圖形邊緣的椅子。 它於 1957 年在丹麥藝術與設計博物館的設計師春季展上推出。同年晚些時候,這把椅子在米蘭三年展上展出,並獲得了展覽的最高榮譽大獎。 這把著名的椅子有鋼或木底座,可以通過一系列顏色、木材類型和室內裝潢進行定制。 鋼腿大獎賽反映了阿恩·雅各布森 (Arne Jacobsen) 更大的帶有鋼製管腿的可堆疊膠合板椅子系列。
Fritz Hansen Grand Prix™
The Grand Prix™ chair is a chair with graphic edge. It was introduced at the Designers’ Spring Exhibition at the Danish Museum of Art & Design in 1957. Later that year, the chair was displayed at the Triennale in Milan where it received the Grand Prix, the finest distinction of the exhibition. The celebrated chair comes in both a steel or wood base and can be customised through a series of colours, wood types and upholstery. The Grand Prix with steel legs reflects Arne Jacobsen’s larger collection of stackable plywood chairs with steel, tubbed legs.
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