Ligne Roset
Ligne Roset Phileas 沙發
Philippe Nigro 為 Ligne Roset 設計的 Phileas 座椅既挑戰又驚喜:他成功地實現了尖端的現代性,為他的創作注入了真實的個性和接近“前所未見”的強烈視覺識別,同時 同時喚醒了一系列懷舊的回憶,將其錨定在令人放心的歷史連續性中,就像真正的多面普魯斯特瑪德琳一樣。 它的垂直絎縫讓人想起 1950 年代汽車座椅的內飾、神秘的東方快車的長椅、英國紳士俱樂部的安靜環境、阿加莎·克里斯蒂和儒勒·凡爾納的小說、蒙哥菲爾兄弟的氣球...... 穿越時空。
Ligne Roset Phileas Sofa
Philippe Nigro’s Phileas seating, designed for Ligne Roset, both challenges and surprises: he has managed the impressive feat of achieving cutting edge modernity, imbuing his creation with real personality and a strong visual identity close to the ‘never-before-seen’, whilst at the same time awakening a cluster of nostalgic reminiscences which anchor it in reassuring historical continuity, like a real multifaceted Proust madeleine. Its vertical quilting recalls the upholstery of 1950s automobile seats, banquettes from the mythical Orient Express, the hushed surroundings of English gentlemen’s clubs, the novels of Agatha Christie and Jules Verne, the balloons of the Montgolfier brothers...inviting one on a real motionless journey through time.
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