minotti Curtis bed_1


Minotti Curtis 床

Curtis 的特點是床頭板又高又薄,兩側有外露拉鍊,只有一種長度可供選擇,有五種寬度可供選擇。
Curtis 可以與床罩和格子花呢搭配,顏色、材料和紋理有趣地組合在一起。 從而為床的整體場景做出貢獻,它穿著優雅,成為睡眠區的主角。 雙面柯蒂斯床罩完全由手工製作。 一側覆蓋著白色 Paco 面料,另一側覆蓋著水貂色歌舞伎面料。 Lawrence 格子佈由 100% 羊絨羊毛製成,有兩種款式可供選擇:帶有自然色 Nabuk 皮革邊框的鈦金屬或帶有鐵色 Nabuk 皮革邊框的鉑金。

Minotti Curtis Bed

Curtis is characterized by a tall and thin headboard, with an exposed zipper along the sides, and is available in one length only, with a choice of five widths. 
Curtis can be coordinated with a bedspread and a plaid with an interesting combination of colours, materials and textures. Thus contributing to the overall scenography of the bed, which is elegantly dressed and becomes the protagonist of the sleeping area. The reversible Curtis bedspread is made entirely by hand. One side is covered in white Paco fabric and the other in Mink-coloured Kabuki fabric. The Lawrence plaid, made of 100% cashmere wool, is available in two versions: Titanium with a border in natural-shaded Nabuk leather or Platinum with a border in iron-coloured Nabuk leather.


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