B&B Hybrid 沙發
Hybrid 是一種模塊化座椅元件系統,用途廣泛,可以排列成幾乎無限數量的組合。 紡織品尺寸的關鍵作用立即脫穎而出,室內裝潢完全覆蓋了大方的填充物,該項目的絕對主角。 這些是室內家具的典型元素,在 Hybrid 中找到了戶外解釋。 因此,該系列的名稱被提議作為房屋內部和外部之間的聯繫。 混合是氣候和空間的完美家具元素,由內部和外部環境的連續混合定義,房間可通向空氣維度,以及與露台和花園相結合的生活空間。
B&B Hybrid Sofa
Hybrid is a system of modular seating elements that it is so versatile it can be arranged into an almost infinite number of combinations. The key role of the textile dimension stands out immediately, with upholsteries that completely cover the generous padding, the project’s absolute protagonist. These are typical elements of indoor furnishings, which in Hybrid find an outdoor interpretation. Hence the name of the collection, proposed as a link between the inside and the outside of the house. Hybrid is the perfect furnishing element for climates and spaces defined by a continuous blend of inside and outside environments, with rooms that open to an en-plein-air dimension, and for living spaces integrated into terraces and gardens.
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LINE: @masha.carino