Arketipo Nascar 扶手椅
扶手椅需要舒適、支撐、具有獨特的風格和個性,甚至受到更偉大事物的啟發……這就是 Nascar 的意義所在。 一看靠背,你會想立即坐下,這是可以原諒的。 俯衝的線條,彎曲的手臂,坐著時的熟悉感怎麼樣? 您是否注意到了腿,保持了內在的設計風格,延續了椅子的整體美學特徵。 一切都是為了一個目的而創造的,對於 Nascar,這是關於採用椅子的基本原理並將一些全新的東西注入生活空間。
Arketipo Nascar Armchair
An armchair needs to be comfortable, supported, have a style and character that is also unique and even be inspired by something greater... that is what Nascar is about. One look at the back rest and you'd be forgiven for wanting to instantly take a seat. How about the swooping lines, curved arms, a sense of familiarity whilst seated? Did you even notice the legs, maintaining an intrinsic design style that continues with the total aesthetic features of the chair. Everything is created to have a purpose, with Nascar, this is about taking that basic principle of the chair and injecting something completely new into the living space.
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LINE: @masha.carino