Flexform Tessa 茶几
Tessa Outdoor 扶手椅的結構完全由實心車削 iroko 木材製成。 傳統的細木工需要專業的工藝,並輕輕地提升木材的自然紋理和手感。 座椅和靠背採用手工編織的聚丙烯繩,有多種顏色可供選擇。 柔軟的可選靠墊由細長的肩帶固定到位,為 Tessa Outdoor 扶手椅增添了更深層次的歡迎感。
Flexform Tessa Coffee Table
The structure of the Tessa Outdoor armchair is made entirely of solid turned iroko wood. The traditional joinery requires expert craftsmanship and gently exalts the natural texture and feel of the wood. The seat and backrest are in hand-woven polypropylene cord, available in a sophisticated palette of colors. Soft optional cushions held in place by slender straps add a deeper sense of welcome to the Tessa Outdoor armchair.
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LINE: @masha.carino