Moroso No Waste
在他不在的情況下設計差距,排除設計實踐中的剩餘。 No Waste table 旨在獲得單個金屬板的所有部分。 在圖中,每一部分、每一厘米的表面積都是一個需要的量。 桌子成為空間水平劃分和隨後的正交組裝的產物。 受到汽車製造概念的啟發,而不是再利用或回收創意,No Waste 是一種新形式,能夠決定傳統品味和審美愉悅的變化。
Moroso No Waste
Designing the gap in his absence, excluding the surplus from design practice. No Waste is designed so as to get all parts of a single metal sheet. In the drawing, each part, each centimeter of surface area is a quantity needed. The table becomes the product of a horizontal division of space and its subsequent orthogonal assembly. Inspired by its car-manufacturing concepts more than to reuse or recycle creative, No Waste is a new form capable of determining a change in the taste of tradition, in the aesthetic pleasure.
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LINE: @masha.carino